Welcome to Warlingham School
About us
Warlingham School is an 11-18, mixed, comprehensive school that serves the population of the North Tandridge and South Croydon areas. Built in 1954, the school occupies an attractive site on the North Downs with excellent transport links to the M25 and South London. The 1,570 students on roll (including nearly 400 in our thriving Sixth Form) enjoy a well resourced learning environment and a wide range of curriculum opportunities, both during the school day and as part of the out-of-hours provision, to extend, challenge and stimulate their academic and social development. Warlingham School has been designated a Business and Enterprise Specialist School since September 2004. The specialist status offers all students the opportunity to benefit from interactions with business people and to experience a variety of real-life simulations. We encourage you to visit this website regularly and to visit the school in person.
Facilities available
6 dedicated ict suites dedicated sixth form block with common room extensive learning resource centre floodlit astroturf music recording studio self contained drama facilities seperate sixth form ict facilities specialist business and enterprise school swimming pool